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We thank you for taking advantage of the fastest method of ordering products from United Brokerage.
We have divided our product line into two order forms because of the volume of products and shipments going through our website.

Moving Boxes, Paper, & here
Misc. Boxes, Packing Materials, Moving here

  • Your order form will appear in a separate window. This will allow you to return to the catalog and browse for additional products without disrupting your order.
  • You only need to use the order form that has the products you wish to order. You do not need to use the second form if you?re not ordering from that form.
  • Be sure to click the submit button before you exit the order form. Once you exit the form all information will have to be re-entered.
  • You can use only one form at a time. If you need to order products off of both forms, complete the order on the first form and submit it before opening the second form. You cannot have both forms opened at the same time.
  • If ordering products off both forms at the same visit it is only necessary to enter the company name and contact person on the second form. Be sure to submit the second form before exiting.

Call us at (706) 722-7566 or Toll Free GA 1-800-222-2416 or S.E. 1-800-32BOXES if you have any questions or problems with the process.

Moving Boxes, Paper, & here
Misc. Boxes, Packing Materials, Moving here

496 Laney-Walker Blvd., P.O. Box 1866,
Augusta, GA 30903
(706) 722-7566 or Toll Free: GA WATS 1-800-222-2416 or S.E. WATS 1-800-32BOXES